Carousel of Yalikavak Articles from other websites
For each article on the Carousel, you’ll find an summary of the Author, as well as an Article Excerpt and a link to the full article on the Author’s website (clicking on the link will open a new web page).
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“The Turkish Delight of Yalikavak”
Author: This article featured on The Quirky Traveler.
Excerpt: The main beach in Yalikavak is big enough to ensure there is plenty of space for everyone and provides the perfect spot to kick back and relax in the glorious sunshine. There are plenty of sun loungers provided by the beachside bars, so you just need to order your drinks and food in order to take advantage. The beach gently shelves into the warm Aegean Sea, so getting in and out is no problem and areas of the sea are specifically cordoned off, so swimming is safe. The long promenade attracts runners and those who like to keep fit with outdoor gym machines dotted along the paved walkway. Visit the website to read more
“Rifat Ozbek’s Bodrum Peninsula”
Author: This article written by Mark O’Flaherty features the Bodrum Peninsula as seen through the eyes of former fashion designer Rifat Ozbek.
Excerpt: My place in Yalikavak is my summer house, but I’ve also lived there during the winter. It’s far away from all the madness of the nightclubs up the coast in Bodrum. It’s very tranquil. I bought it 10 years ago, when I decided to give up fashion; I’d moved to Istanbul from London and decided to buy a home with my partner, Erdal. It was the first house we saw, and there was no other house we wanted. Visit the website to read more
“Introduction to Yalikavak by Peninsula Villa Care”
Author: This article written by Peninsula Villa Care Rental site provides a succinct summary of Yalikavak and the surrounding area, punctuated with a collection of photographs.
Excerpt: Yalikavak is becoming ever more popular as an alternative resort to Bodrum. The small harbour is surrounded by restaurants and bars, and while there is the occasional disco bar, the general atmosphere is quiet, unhurried and relaxed, yet further along the shoreline is a new sophisticated Marina. Visit their website to read more
“Yalikavak – Back to the Bodrum Peninsula”
Author: Article and photo’s by Terry from Adventures in Ankara blog, an expat who visited Yalikavak with her husband, and explored Yalikavak and Sandima to explore the Art Scene, before heading off the beaten track to the Kudur peninsula to enjoy some assisted-snorkeling!
Excerpt: Yalıkavak is known for its artists. There are many small shops full of paintings, jewelry, and other artwork. Things you don’t see in most of Turkey. We even met someone I had read about. There is a tiny tiny village called Sandima with three residents. One was born there, and the other two are Bohemian artists who made Sandima their home. We met one of the artists and ended up with not one, but two paintings. One from her and one of her husband’s work. Visit Terry’s website to read more
“Yalikavak – Drunken Boat Captains and Windmills”
Author: Article and photo’s by Natalie at Turkish Travel Blog. On one of her exploratory jaunts around Turkey, she ended up at Yalikavak and eased herself into rhythm of the town with the aid of some local brew and fresh sea air.
Excerpt: Four main streets, windmills, a beach front and a harbor however the vibes that were buzzing around the town will make you laid back and ready to adopt the easy way of life. Within one day, we felt welcomed by the locals and ex-pats and felt like we had lived in Yalikavak for years. Visit Natalie’s website to read more
“Yalikavak, Turkey”
Author: Article and photo’s by Veronica at Are you there Europe?, or her memorable stay at the Lavanta Hotel in Yalikavak, as well as chatty and information insight into her stay.
Excerpt: This location has definitely been my favorite of the whole trip. In Yalikavak, we chose the Lavanta Hotel because it had a pool. We figured we would sit by the pool for a few days, but then the rest of the time we’d drive to some nearby towns to check out the different areas. That did not happen. We automatically fell in love with the hotel, pool, owners, staff and guests. Visit Vernonicas blog to read more
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If you have a travel article about Yalikavak Turkey, that you’d like featured on the Carousel, please leave a comment below with a link to the article.
Good to find some Yalikavak info… not much around. Please write more about it…. 🙂 thank you Hallie