The source of this information contained below is GoTurkey.com
Turkey Visitor Information can be found at the Official Tourism Portal: http://www.goturkey.com
This website covers Turkey Visitor Information for the whole of Turkey, but there are a few sections that focus on the Bodrum Peninsula.
Free e-brochures
Go Turkey publishes a series of e-brochures, and the Bodrum Peninsula is covered in the Izmir and Aegean Region edition.
Click the Cover Image below to access it on the Go Turkey website:
Bodrum Visitor Information
Don’t Leave Without
One of their sections on the Go Turkey website is called “Don’t Leave Without..”, and here’s a selection of the items on their list:
Don’t Leave Bodrum without:
Seeing the Underwater Museum and Bodrum Castle
Going to the Tuesday Bazaar
Stopping by Bodrum Bars
Dining on the excellent fish restaurants in Gümüşlük
Eating Bodrum style ‘boiled pastry’
Eating the spicy ‘Ot kavurması’ and stuffed pumpkin flowers
Purchasing the Bodrum beads and batik cloth
Featured Destination
Not surprizingly, Bodrum is also mentioned on Go Turkey’s Featured Destination page.
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