Dogs of the Bodrum Peninsula
When you visit the Bodrum Peninsula, you’ll undoubtedly come across a Dog or two – sometimes they’re street dogs and other times they’re just pets, out for a wander.
They roam around the towns, villages and beaches like they own the place, but the majority of the time, they’re happy to interact, are home-grown softies – and are prone to napping anywhere!
I’ve started amassing a small collection of Dog photo’s from my various trips around the peninsula, and from other people who have visited the area.
I’ll update this page each time I receive a new “Dog” photo. If you’ve captured a dog with your camera lens during your trip to Turkey, add a comment below with a link to the image, or send it to me the photo in an email, so I can feature it here.
Guard Dog at the Bodrum Golf Club, Ortakent:
To give this little puppy his due, it was quite early in the morning when we stopped by to visit the Bodrum Golf club in Ortakent, and obviously his shift as a guard dog hadn’t started yet! Photo by Roving Jay.
Two for the price of one in Bodrum:
Curtesy of Kent Wenger, the photo was taken June 2012 in Bodrum, during his cycling tour of Turkey.
Dog tired after a hard day of sightseeing at Ephesus:
Curtesy of Melinda, the photo was taken September 2011 in the Odeon at Ephesus
Hugging the curb at Turgutreis Dolmus Station
It was a baking hot Saturday, and Turgutreis dolmus station, and we had to wait nearly an hour for the dolmus to Yalikavak, and this dog didn’t move the entire time. Photo by Roving Jay.
Back Streets of Yalikavak
We walked towards the harbour and passed this labrador, and he didn’t stir. Photo by Roving Jay.
“Shopping in Bodrum can be tiring”
Curtesy of Steffen, from Denmark, who works at Bodrum Castle each Summer
“At least I’m out of the way here”
Curtesy of Steffen, from Denmark, who works at Bodrum Castle each Summer
Woken from his slumber on a Bodrum Back Street
I pity this curly coated dog in the height of the summer heat. Photo by Roving Jay.
This Dog definately needs some Caffine
Curtesy of By Xanadustar from their June 2012 Trip to Yalikavak.
“Did somebody call my name?”
Curtesy of Steffen, from Denmark, who works at Bodrum Castle each Summer
Now where did I leave that bone?:
Curtesy of Melinda, the photo was taken September 2011 in the Odeon at Ephesus.
Wake me up when the boat‘s ready to leave
Curtesy of Steffen, from Denmark, who works at Bodrum Castle each Summer
A Trio of Dogs Guarding Bodrum Castle
These three dogs were very vocal about guarding Bodrum Castle, even though we were outside the Castle Gates (it was Monday, and the Museum was closed)! Photo by Roving Jay.
Bodrum Back Streets
Sometimes even a lowly step is worth guarding. This dog warned off anyone that too close to the steps or doorway. Photo by Roving Jay.
Guarding the Water Bowl
Curtesy of Steffen, from Denmark, who works at Bodrum Castle each Summer
Near Migros in Gumuskaya
I was taking side-of-the road photographs and this dog was intrigued by my activity and wanted to join in, but he looked too mean to get near, because of his David Bowie eyes. But I shouldn’t have judged by first impressions – he was a right softie, and followed me for miles – I guess he just wanted some company. Photo by Roving Jay.
Rufus enjoying some watersports
Photo © of Elaine Booking Manager at Yildez Yachting
Have you captured a photo of one of Turkey’s local dogs?
If you send me an email, and I’ll add it to this page. rovingjay@gmail.com