What are StepWhere & Bikely?
StepWhere and Bikely sites help you find routes to run, walk, hike or cycle.
You can access the routes without signing up to join the website, but if you want to add a route of you’re own, you’ll need to create a login and password in order to share the routes you create.
Both StepWhere and Bikely combines the Google Maps infrastructure with a simple interface allowing you to draw your favorite routes straight onto the map.
If you carry a GPS unit, you can also directly upload routes into StepWhere, as well as downloading routes you plan to explore into your GPS.
At the time of creating this blog post – there were only 10 routes for the Bodrum area on StepWhere – which of course is a tiny fraction of the walks available.
There are more routes and contributors on Bikely (28 at time of this post
- Routes (Running & Walking) in the Bodrum Area on Stepwhere.
- Routes (Bicycle Trails) in the Bodrum Area on Bikely
Each of the local Bodrum routes on StepWhere has been uploaded by Erkan from Jeep Trophy (FB page) – so if you’re worried about getting lost in the hills, and would prefer a guide, he’s a good option, and you can arrange Bodrum Walking tours through his website.
If you’ve done a hike or walk, or cycled on the Bodrum Peninsula – why not add it to one of these sites, and then post a link in the comments section below.