Market day in Gümüşlük
In addition to the regular Dolmuş service, there’s a free tractor and trailer service which takes the locals to and from the market. This transport is provided free by Gümüşlük council and is a fun way to travel.
This photo was taken outside of the municipal building, and the weekly market is a little futher up the road on the left, situated close to the mosque.
The pazar used to be laid out in a “T” shape, with canvas shading the stalls, but over the past couple of years this market has become more popular and has expanded to a larger location behind the mosque.
Gümüşlük market has a really local flavour. It’s stalls sell primarily local produce, but there’s also an array of stalls selling cheap and tacky housewares. You won’t find too many tourists here, mainly locals and expats. But we were happy to see there was a Gözleme stall.
Ride Home
Last time we visited this market, our Turkish neighbour spotted us at the market, and after an initial exchange, where neither of us had a clue what was being said, she wandered off. She reappeared when we exited the market, and after hand gestures, garbled Turkish and shopping bags ladened with produce for props and effect, we gathered she’d like a ride home in our rental car.
We were happy to oblige – and wandered off towards the car. When we turned around, not only was our neighbour following, but another lady with 2 children. The six of us squeezed into our car for the short ride home, and were held firmly in place by the shopping bags, like pieces of paper under a paper-weight.
If you’re asking the locals for directions to the Market – ask for the Pazar. There are many other markets on the Bodrum Peninsula, and you can find a list of the other markets here.
Read an updated article about the Growth of Gümüşlük Market
If you’re in Gumusluk on a Wednesday, you really shouldn’t miss the weekly market! It’s a lively, colourful affair and offers an excellent choice of fresh produce and textiles. (Pop into the fresh fish shop in the fishing village afterwards and you’ve got everything you need for a great barbecue that evening.)
If you’re feeling hungry after all your shopping, pop into ‘Gönüçelen’ bar just up the hill from the market towards the fishing village. It’s run by our neighbours at Opus, Ken and Jim and a Turkish friend and they serve an excellent ‘Irish Breakfast’ which you can enjoy from their roof terrace bar with its stunning views.