Carousel of Gümüşlük Articles from other websites
For each article on the Carousel, you’ll find an summary of the Author, as well as an Article Excerpt and a link to the full article on the Author’s website (clicking on the link will open a new web page).
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“Chillin’ in Gumusluk”
Author: This article written by Lisa, who visited from Vancouver and spent a few days in Gümüşlük.
Excerpt: Only one day left here in paradise before I return to the cold cloudiness of Vancouver, apparently not yet in summer. Yesterday the three of us walked up to the Gumusluk Market and emerged laden with bags of goodies, including pots and pans and clothing. Visit the website to read more.
“Legendary Gümüşlük”
Author: This article written by Pelin Ozdogru, paints a vivid picture of your arrival into Gümüşlük via Derekoy, and exploring the hills of Karakaya. She studied Classical Archaeology and received a master’s degree in Cinema and Communication.
Excerpt: The fisherman of Halicarnassus described visitors of Bodrum as “…They all left Bodrum with their minds lingering here.” I think it is fair to say for Gumusluk “They all left Gumusluk with their hearts lingering here.”.. Visit their website to read more
“Gümüşlük: Tree in the Water, Romantic Seaside Dinner, and the Sunken City of Myndos”
Author: This article written by YC Cheng (aka the Secret Agent Beagle), creates a great visual introduction to Gümüşlük with photo’s and narrative.
Excerpt: In addition to being the niche of designers, artists and musicians, modern-day Gümüşlük has also acquired the reputation as the place where the rich, the famous, and those with time and money to spare choose to have their leisurely brunch and romantic candlelight dinner on the shore of the Aegean at one of the numerous cafes and bistros housed in former Greek stone houses that graced the beaches of this little seaside village.. Visit their website to read more
“Gümüşlük – No More Rabbits”
Author: This article written by Annie at Back to Bodrum, recounts a recent trip to Rabbit island, where Dr Mustafa Şahin from Uludağ University, talked the visitors through his 4 years of archeological excavations. This talk was offered for a limited time, and now the padlocks are back on!
Excerpt: Climbing up through the uncovered streets, past a speculative entrance gate, we were met at the summit by a beaming Prof. standing by jewel in the crown of his excavation. A church dating from the 4th century AD, the central of its three nave floors being almost completely intact, decorated with a geometric mosaic. Visit Annie’s website to read more
Author: This article written by Ursula at Paleo Winning, focuses on the culinary delights of Gümüşlük, with accompanying photos to trigger your taste buds. Includes Ursula’s view on two restaurants from different ends of the spectrum: Mimoza and Soğan Sarmısak.
Excerpt: This was a more quaint, home-style cooking, as if you stopped into someone’s house for dinner. The setting is cute, with little tables on the beach sand, and the water almost touching your feet. The menu are hand made pages on coloured paper, cut and torn, filed in a ring binder. Its all quite sweet. Visit Ursula’s website to read more
“Glorious Gümüşlük”
Author: This article written by Linda from Ayak Turkish Delight, recounts memories of her different homes since moving to Turkey in 1998. Her first house was in Gümüşlük, and she reminisces about the changes between the Gümüşlük she knew then, and now.
Excerpt: Today Gümüşlük still has a small-scale, relaxed atmosphere thanks to strictly enforced building restrictions, designed to protect the ancient site. Gümüşlük is a great place to unwind in an idyllic setting. The wonderful shelter of the bay provides a natural harbour for yachts and local fishing boats, the waterfront restaurants enjoy a reputation for excellent fresh fish. Visit Linda’s website to read more
2 Gümüşlük Articles
Author: These two articles written by Sedef from Zesty Moments, cover some memorable things about Gümüşlük, which help make it one of her favourite places on the Bodrum Peninsula to visit.
“Gümüşlük – The most enchanting town”
Excerpt: Gümüşlük is probably my favorite place in Bodrum. I particularly like to go there early in the morning to pick up some pastries from a bakery nearby and have tea at the public tea garden. Visit Sedef’s website to read more
“Gümüşlük – One of the best Sunsets”
Excerpt: As soon as we were out of our car, Ozlem took us to her favorite spot which was the Sanatcilar Carsisi (Artisan’s Arcade.) Visit Sedef’s website to read more
“Airstream Voyages: Gümüşlük”
Author: This article written by Bill and Janet Wickman from Airstream Voyages. They dropped anchor in Gümüşlük, and recount local finds (best baklava) and she reminisces about the changes between the Gümüşlük she knew then, and now.
Excerpt: “Pronounced “Goumoushlouk” roughly. It’s the ancient city of Myndos, nice place, nice anchorage and despite the rampant tourism on this northern section of the Carian coast, it still retains the atmosphere of a Turkish sea side village. There are a couple small markets and a very nice little bakery right off the wooden town wharf. The bakery has the usual fresh bread and an exceptional assortment of baked goodies including the very best baklava we’ve had this trip, perhaps ever”. Visit Bill and Janets website to read more
Author: This article written by Caroline, who writes a blog in Norway. She spent her birthday at the Mimoza restaurant in Gümüşlük, and her article includes a selection of great photo’s.
Excerpt: “Yesterday we were in one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my entire life! I have been many great places, but this was just totally unique, incredibly charming and so your fingertips implemented that I could wandering around and taking pictures for hours. In addition, the food was absolutely delicious.”. Visit Caroline’s website to read more
“Gümüşlük, Turkey – Ancient Myndos”
Author: This article written by Paul Terry, from the Independent Tourist website, who went for a tour around the Peninsula, but got captivated by Gümüşlük, and it stopped him in his tracks.
Excerpt: “The primary draw for many tourists and locals is the natural setting. Since we were only about 25 km from Bodrum, I was surprised how quiet Gümüslük felt—seemingly unaffected by tourism, and yet our travel books said it is definitely growing.” Visit Paul’s website to read more
“Gümüşlük Seaside Village”
Author: Written by Sue at Suemtravels website.
Excerpt: “Gümüşlük is a Turkish conservation area. Unlike nearby villages of Türkbükü and Turgutreis which are giving way to tourist developments, Gümüşlük has a remote, quiet atmosphere. In the evening you can choose your favorite spot along the sea front for admiring spectacular sunsets and watching the fishing boats return to harbor.” Visit Sue’s website to read more
If you have a travel article about Gumusluk Turkey, that you’d like featured on the Carousel, please leave a comment below with a link to the article.