Datça Ferry Terminal with the Kemel Reis 3
The Datça ferry leaves from the centre of the Bodrum Harbour and Marina. It’s the only ferry that leaves from this part of the harbour, and on our last trip to Bodrum we were wandering along this road on our way to the Mausoleum. The Kemel Reis 3 ferry was just getting loaded up in time for it’s outbound trip to Datça. It’s only a small ferry, but it takes vehicles as well as foot passengers.
Datça Ferry Terminal Ticket Office and Timetable
There’s a small ticket office nearby which has the timetable and prices of the Ferries to Datça, and also the Bodrum-Kos route which departs from the other side of the harbour (just past the castle.
Datça Ferry Terminal Cash Point in Bodrum
If you’re short on cash, there’s a handy cash point machine right next door to the ticket office, that you can squeeze some cash out of!
Datça – Turkey
Here’s an excerpt from the Bodrum Ferryboat website about Datça:
Datça is small Town located on the beautiful Datça peninsula 22 miles south east of Bodrum (aprox 2 hrs by ferry) 75 km away from Marmaris. Datça peninsula offers many places for campers, and holiday villages for the less adventurous. Datça town consists of two bays with nice white overlooked by pretty whitewashed houses. The north bay is used as the harbour are bars, cafés, restaurants and shops. Staying overnight in Datça is a break from crowds of Bodrum and there are many inexpensive pensions to choose from. Ferry services are twice daily from Bodrum and Datça to enable to flex your programme to your liking.
More Datça Ferry Artciles