Sunday Second Hand Market Stroll
As a break from the beach, I headed up to the village to take a stroll around the weekly second hand market. I wasn’t sure what was for sale there, and wasn’t really in the market to buy anything – I just fancied a bit of “window” shopping.
The market is signposted from the main road. As we traveled up from the beach, the sign was on my left, and the market was on the right.
Local Cafe
The market is in an area just off the main road, and a good landmark is to look out for the Ustun Cafe & Restaurant — which is located along the main road. The market is just behind it.
Bitez Sunday Flea Market
The market was a good mix of locals, tourists and expats.
There was the usual collection of second hand clothes, and odd-ball items like this fluffy monkey on a swing, as well as a random selection of house-hold items…..
A couple of stalls selling nothing but jeans and denim… fine for winter, but when it’s nearly 40c – the last thing you can think about is struggling to wriggle your sweaty body into some thick denim jeans.
Some of the things for sales were on display on a stall or table, and others just had their goods laid out on a blanket on the floor.
Located in the centre of the market is a public toilet – you just need to navigate the vendors to get to it.
There were a couple of interesting copper and nick-knack stalls, selling things you don’t really need, but that catch your eye, and make you contemplate whether they’d fit in your suitcase for the journey home.
One of the best little finds at the market was this second hand paperback stall, which had a good selection of English books.
We saw some fishing rods and tackle… which must have been left behind by a tourist — because most of the locals just use a reel of line peppered with hooks.
Not all stalls were selling second hand items; this lady was selling handmade linens — for your table, kitchen or bathroom (and there were also some stalls selling jewelry and other craft items)
Just to the North of the market (heading towards the main Turgutreis to Bodrum Road), is a large and impressive looking Mosque.
Oddly located within a patch of scrub-land… wonder how long it’ll be until it’s built-up around here too?
So did I walk away empty handed? Hell No!
I’m a Kipling Bag hoarder, and ended up acquiring a black Kipling day pack for 5TL — and absolute bargain/steal, which made my day. I also found a funky “pleather” jacket … no good for summer I admit – but it’ll come in handy one day I’m sure… and it was only cheap.
We also spotted a couple of wing-back red easy chairs – that we couldn’t resist … and knew they’d look perfect in our Gumusluk home…. again… too good to pass up. So we wrestled them into the back of our hire car – and headed back to the beach to relax.
Thursday Farmers Market
Even though I visited this area on a Sunday to tour the second hand market, Bitez Village also holds a weekly farmers market in the same location every THURSDAY. Here’s a photo gallery article of my visit to the Thursday Bitez Farmer’s market
March 2014 update – Temp location: The Bitez market area is currently under development to create a covered market area, so the temporary market location is on the other side of the street on a vacant plot of land.
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