Open the Door to Bitez Beach
This is the 6th Quick Reference Travel Guide, and it covers the popular coastal resort and village of Bitez. Surrounded by citrus groves, this area is one of the maturer resorts on the Bodrum Peninsula.
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Hi Jay
visiting Betiz soon can you please tell me is there a coastal path from Betiz to Yashi beach or a direct Dolmas rather than catching one which takes you all the way back to Bodrum first thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff… there’s no direct coastal path to get from Bitez to Yahsi beach, or a direct dolmus either.
But here’s a couple of options:
Option 1 — walk from Bitez to Ortakent-Yashi beach along the Bitez-Ortakoy road to Musgebi Caddesi .. which is about 2.5km. Once you reach there, you can walk down to the beach, which is at the start of Ortakent Beach, and walk along the beach go past the marina to reach Yahsi beach.
Option 2 — take a taxi. The fare from Bitez Beach to Ortakent Town bus station is about 10Euro/20TL, and as the trip from Bitez Beach to Yashi beach is shorter .. it is probably around the same price.
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