FYI: Original Post created in 2014, last updated in November 2020.
Applying for your eVisa for Turkey
This page contains a summary of the current online e-Visa process to apply for your entry visa to Turkey. This page is for informational purpose only based on my first-hand experience of applying for an eVisa, please visit the Republic of Turkey’s Visa website for more information.
Foreign nationals who require a visa to visit Turkey, should only obtain their visa from the website www.evisa.gov.tr.
You need to purchase your eVisa BEFORE you travel to Turkey.
Latest News about Turkish eVisas
Here’s my tracking of some of the news flashes about the eVisa process.
New Update: March 2020 – U.K. (and many other countries) have been added to the Visa exception list. If you’re a British or Irish passport holder – read this article.
New Update: May 19, 2019 – it’s been reported on forums that some UK airlines are turning away passengers if they can’t prove they have a valid e-Visa. So to be prepared, have a digital and paper version of your visa available to show. This is not across the board, and there are inconsistencies between airlines, but you need a visa before you can enter the country, so you’re best off having a copy to show the airline if they need it.
New Update: October 20, 2018 – from October 28th 2018 Turkey is pulling the plug on the ability to get your entry visa when you arrive in the country. You have to apply for your eVisa before you arrive. Make sure you use the only OFFICIAL website: www.evisa.gov.tr there is to purchase your visa. And Print a Copy of your e-Visa to show immigration. You’re also required to carry your passport and e-Visa with you during your stay in Turkey.
New Update: December 28, 2017 – Reciprocal restrictions on visas for citizens of the United States to enter Turkey and for citizens of Turkey to enter the United States — which had been in effect for almost three months — have ended, according to announcements from both countries on Thursday, December 28, 2017. Applies to U.S. Citizens.
New Update: November 20, 2017 – The Government of Turkey announced resumption of limited visa services for U.S. citizens.
New Update: April 2017 – In addition to the $20 eVisa Cost there is a .70c Service fee being charged.
News Update: December 2016 It is still possible to get the visa from a desk near passport control on arrival in Bodrum, but it costs more and it means queuing up twice (once to purchase the visa and once to go through Passport control – plus it costs more, so save yourself the hassle and just buy one online!)
News Update: March 27th 2014: The goal is to swich over to the evisa process completely sometime during the 2014 season, but for now visitors will still be able to buy the old Passport sticker at their port of entry. If you’re arriving at Bodrum Airport, and DON’T have an eVisa, you’ll need to line up in the Entry Visa line to buy your Visa Sticker. BUT sticker cost has increased – and will cost you £20 Cash (~$33, whereas the eVisa is only $20)
Purchase your eVisa Before you Arrive
There are many other website popping up, offering to source your visa and a higher charge – don’t do it! Log onto the official website, and get it at cost.
What is an Turkey e-Visa?
- An e-Visa is an entry visa which allows you to enter Turkey.
- It replaces “sticker”- and “stamp-type” visas formerly issued at the border crossing.
- Each traveler must obtain a separate e-Visa, including infants and kids. (Even though kids/infants may be included in their parent’s passports)
#1 Apply: Turkey e-Visa Application Process
- Apply on-line by entering all the required information (your e-Visa and Passport information needs to match)
- Apply via the www.evisa.gov.tr website (this link will take you to the official Republic of Turkey website.
- Your passport must be valid at least for 6 months by the time you enter Turkey. Depending on your nationality, there might be some additional requirements to be met. You will be informed of these after you select your nationality and travel dates.
- (Detailed steps on how to apply for an e-Visa are shown below)
#2 Make Payment: Turkey e-Visa Payment
- Payment can be made via Mastercard or Visa credit/debit card. There is an icon for American Express, but the Credit Card code on an Amex card is 4 digits and the website only allows you to enter 3 digits, so an Amex payment won’t currently work.
- Visa Fee varies by country of residence.
- e-Visa fee is only offered in USD. You don’t have to have a USD account. An equivalent amount in your local currency will be deducted from your account.
#3 Download: Receiving your Turkey e-Visa
- After you make payment, the link to download your e-Visa will be e-mailed to you.
- Print it out to show to airport officials and customs officers when you are entering and existing Turkey
- Carry it with you at all times during the travel.
Additional Information
- Inform the Support Desk (via “Contact Form” under “Contact Us” section on main page) in case of any suspended or unsuccessful transaction throughout the whole application procedure.
- Once e-Visa is processed, none of the information on it can be changed. It is your responsibility to secure that information on e-Visa is exactly the same with the information on your passport.
Turkey e-Visa Application Step by Step
1. Complete the Nationality Screen
- Your Nationality (in case your wondering the UK is listed under United Kingdom)
- Select the type of document your using to travel
- Add the security verification you see in the boxes as the bottom
2. Complete the Date of Arrival Screen
- Type the date that you plan to enter Turkey to the related field.
- The validity period of your e-Visa will begin as of the date you entered Turkey.
- Please note that validity period is different than the period of stay. The period of stay cannot be more than 90 days for single entry. If you wish to stay more than 90 days, you must apply to local Police Departments for residence permit.

Additional notes about length of stay:
- If you overstay your visa, you might be asked to pay fines, deported or banned future travel to Turkey for a certain period of time.
- E-visa system does not inform you of the number of days you stay in Turkey. It is your responsibility to make sure that you do not overstay your visa.
3. Complete the Personal Information Screen
After you’ve selected the submit and save button, a pop up screen will ask you to Verify your Information, and this gives you another chance to review all of your entries.
4. Verify your Information
After you have verified your information and clicked “Verify”. You will see the confirmation screen.
5. Confirmation of Completed Application
6. Confirm Your Application
- You will receive a confirmation email, and you need to click the APPROVE button within 1 hour, your application will be cancelled.
6. Pay for and Receive your e-Visa
- When you click on the Approve button you will be returned to the e-Visa website to complete the payment process.
- If your e-Visa application is not completed within 48 hours, it will be deleted from the system. In these cases, you will need to make a new application.
- Once your payment has been processed, you will see a screen confirming “Your Application has been Successfully completed”, with a link to Download your e-Visa (pdf)
- A link to download your e-Visa will also be emailed to you.
- Don’t forget you need to print this out and take it with you when you travel to Turkey.
I hope all of this information and print screens have provided you with a clear overview of the end to end process when applying for an e-Visa for Turkey.
All of the print screens and information were sourced from the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs official website.
Click on this Apply Now button to visit the Official Website to Apply for your Turkey e-Visa.
This page is provided for reference purposes using images from the Republic of Turkey’s website. If you have any questions about your e-Visa application, please contact them for help or advice.
Visit my Turkish Visitors eVisa Index Page – which includes more e-Visa information
I need two on line visa for bodrum turkey
Hi Mark … this post is for informational purposes to walk people through the eVisa process. You’ll need to visit the official eVisa site to apply https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/. It’s an easy and quick process to get your visas.
There are other websites that advertise that they will arrange visas for you, but they charge you more than the official site … and you should steer clear of them.
Roving Jay recently posted..Video of a day in the Life of Gümüşlük
can I apply for another visa before the 180 days have finished
That’s a really good question Barry… and to be honest, I have no idea. Maybe you could check with the British Consulate.
Roving Jay recently posted..Photo Gallery Glass Blower at the Beach
Can anyone help? I have tried to apply for a visa to turkey but once I put the date in for the 5th May 2014 it states I am exempt. Why?
Thank you Christine
I went to the site and put in UK passport and entered the May 5th date and it worked fine. Not sure why you’re having an issue with this. In the short term, you can just obtain your visa on arrival at the airport in Bodrum.
Roving Jay recently posted..A video glimpse at Gümüşlük’s past
it says ‘Your application has been successfully completed.
Download your e-Visa.’
but then when i click to download it, it brings me back to the homepage!! also helppppp im pretty sure ive payed for the same one 3 times!
They also send you a link to download your visa to the email you provided. If you didn’t get it, check your spam folder.
As far as the multiple purchases goes – why don’t you fill in the feedback form with all the details of the duplicate visas and see if they can refund you.
Here’s the link to their websites feedback form:
Roving Jay recently posted..Video Tour of Kalymnos Greece
ive filled out all fields but it hasent sent me a veryfacation email but when I go back to site it just asks me for payment. is this normal
You should check your spam folder. If the confirmation email still isn’t there, you can click on a “resend email” button to get a new email.
How did you end up at the Payment Page … did you just navigate to it?
Roving Jay recently posted..Index Page: e Visa for Turkey
I am entering my address and then it says there is an issue with this should I just be putting in my town and not my full address
Hi Pam, are you using any special characters in the address (like a #)?
If i have not included my middle name on the e visa will this be ok? I was told by the travel agent it would be fine, but iv seen on checking these sites that it must be on there. Can you advise me please?
Did they let you in ,I’ve done the same thing.
Thanks for posting this information. It’s really useful to have all of this in one place.
Hi Keira … thanks for the feedback.
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What is the definition of “Family”, i.e. same household or just same visa start date.
As a group of 4 staying the same dates, is there an advantage to apply for a family instead of 4 individual visas (cost and/or easier)?
Hi Paul — It just means that you only have to apply for a Family visa rather than individual visas.
Roving Jay recently posted..Bodrum Maritime Museum Shell Exhibit Photo Gallery
Hi my actual arrival date in Turkey is the 29 th June, it will not let me put this date in , is it ok from the date its stating 18th june . Thankyoub
Whatever date you enter is the starting date of your 3 month visa. As long as your visa dates cover your stay, you are ok.
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Hi,I have filled in the first part of the visa form & when I’ve clicked for the next bit it just keeps telling me I’m excempt, I havnt been able to get any further. Thanks Christine
Hi Christine .. some nationalities don’t need a visa. Check their Visa requirements page: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/visa-information-for-foreigners.en.mfa
Every time i try and apply it says i am excempt could you tell me why
Hello Dean .. depends what passport you hold. Some countries are exempt and don’t need a visa.
Check out this page on the government website: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/visa-information-for-foreigners.en.mfa
It includes a list of exempt countries.
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i have UK valid visa and i want to go via turkey in Turkish airline when i submit e. visa application and click confirm your application which in no 6 approve button. system says sorry unfortunately we unable to issue your e.visa visit nearest your turkey embassy or consulate.
kindly let me know what i do.
Hello, I’m not sure why you are not able to process your evisa. Have another go at requesting a visa online and if you get the same error message, I’d recommend doing as the website recommends, and contact your nearest Turkish embassy.
Pls, what is the meaning of (CVV/CVC/CVC2) under e-visa payment? what kind of information is required? thanks.
That’s the security check numbers on your credit card .. usually 3 or 4 digits, and either on the front or the back of the card … depending on the credit card you’re using.
I am trying to apply for a visa and when I enter the date it says I am exempt. How do I submit an application please?
Sandra … some nationalities are exempt from visas .. you should check on the e-visa site to see whether you actually need a visa.
I have british passport and it keeps saying i am egsemt i have travel turkey many times and i have always need 1 before .
Yes you need a visa if you’re from the UK… have another go, it may have been a system-wobble!
We have just booked a last minute holiday to Bodrum, and my application can’t be processed.
My passport runs out on the 8th of July 2016 and we are booked to fly out on the 18th of April (Tomorrow)
I rang the E-visa helpline and they guy said I have to ring Airport Boarder Gate Police Dept at the Airport I intend to travel to.
1/ I can not find their number and 2/ I have 24 hours to sort this or lose a lot of money for a holiday..
What do I do?
I believe their are regulations about passport expiry … so check the evisa website.
hi when applying for a visa, what region do you have to put in?
If you’re referring to the first screen of the visa application, it asks for country/region of your passport. So search for the country that issued your passport, and select that.
Citizens from United Kingdom must pay an e-VISA to enter Turkey for Business or Tourist purposes. This e-Visa must be paid in advance of the Arrival date into Turkey.
Hi, I am travelling to turkey in 5 weeks but can’t get a visa for my son until his new passport arrives. What’s the latest I can apply online for one?
Hi Elaine … I couldn’t find any reference on how late you can apply for a visa. But you can get your visa same-day when you apply online through the official website …
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Just applied for a visa but encountered an error/problems at the payment page, phoned up and was told to email my query to them from the ‘contact us’ page – is this the norm now in light of security issues and how long will I wait, I travel in 5 days?!?!
I’ve not heard about any recurring payment problems. Hopefully you managed to sort this out.
In the box where it says Address – is that my home address or the address of the place i will be staying in Turkey?
Your home address where you live.
This makes it seem like the visa application process is easy. Is it?
Yes really easy. The most difficult aspect is printing it out! Which seems a bit odd — calling it an eVisa but needing a printed copy.
Roving Jay recently posted..Welcome to the Best of Kadikalesi
When i tried for e visa i faced a lot of problem. Actually i am looking for such a guideline like this post. It helps me a lot. Now i can complete my e visa. Thanks Roving Jay for your guideline. Hope many people need this tips.
Going to Bodrum in a week. My partners passport only has 5 months left on it and no time for a new one. Can we get a visa at the airport still? Thanks
Yes you can get a visa at the airport, it’s just more expensive.
This is great blog post about Turkish visas.
Thanks Rudi! It’s a moving target so it needs updating regularly.
Roving Jay recently posted..Turkish Breakfast at Yunuslar Karadeniz
Thanks – really good to have to know. Great website by the way! 😉
Thanks Nevin … glad you’re finding it useful.
I heard that now I don’t need a visa is that correct to come to Turkey?