Top 5 All About Sea Urchins

Urchin Photo

My Top 5 lists about Sea Urchins

If you’re swimming near rocky terrain in the Aegean, you should keep an eye out for Sea Urchins. I’ve put together a selection of Top 5 lists to familiarize you with the life and anatomy of Sea Urchins.

Basic facts about Sea Urchins:

  1. They live on the rocky sea bed
  2. They can be found in shallow waters and also great depths
  3. They move slowly, but can repoint the direction of their spines, quickly
  4. There are about 700 species in the world
  5. Although some sea urchins have venomous spines, you’re more likely to just end up with an infected wound from a skin puncture

View Larger image of an anatomy of a sea urchin

Anatomy of Sea Urchin:

  1. It’s mouth is on it’s bottom, and it’s bottom (anus) and genital pores are on it’s top
  2. It’s skin is made up of hard, chalky plates
  3. It has five paired rows of tiny tube feet with suckers, for moving, capturing food, and holding on
  4. Sea urchins don’t have a brain
  5. It’s claw-like mouth has 5 tooth-like plates that point inwards, called “Aristotle’s lantern”

Survival and Death:

  1. Among Sea Urchins predators are Snails; Sea Otters; Fish; Birds and People
  2. Egg fertilization is an external process
  3. Millions of tiny jelly-coated eggs are released at a time, by a female Sea Urchin
  4. Eggs are fertilized externally and travel the ocean as part of plankton
  5. It takes from 2-5 years from fertilization to become an adult Sea Urchin


How to Treat a Sea Urchin Sting

© Sea Urchin Info from Enchanted Learning

© Feature Photo from Flower Garden

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