A Trinity of Therapy Options
During my day trip to Türkbükü, I wandered up a cobbled street framed with a cramped collection of sign posts. I figured a side street offering this much direction, had something to offer.
I was right!
First, housed in an angelic white building, I encountered “Tarot La Therapi“. As the name suggests, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill Tarot Reading establishment. This, is Tarot Therapy!
It’s the first Tarot business I’ve spotted in Turkey, and it brought a smile to my lips because I’m a closet Tarot Card collector. I find Tarot imagery enticing – and although I’m not adept at reading The Cards, I appreciate them as little, symbolic-soaked works of art.
I resisted the urge to pop in for a reading, and instead, kept wandering up the cobbled street and off the beaten track.
At the end of the street, ideally situated next the to a Barbers Shop – was the town Mosque.
Both of these establishments – accepted forms of Therapy in their own right.
One brings you to your knees for a a private conversation with a Prophet. Whilst the other brings you to your seat, for an animated, soul-cleansing conversation with your barber!
So on one small cobbled street in Türkbükü, I discovered an off-the-beaten track location where a veritable trinity of therapy options converge.
I went to see a tarot card reader the other day Jay – She did not tell me anything!! I think because I was the last person she was drained maybe.
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That’s disappointing. I love tarot readings – they’re really prevalent in la-la land. I have a pretty varied collection of Tarot card decks – if you email me a question I’ll give you a three card reading to make up for your disappointment!
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