What it takes to makes a perfect cup of Turkish Coffee
Have you tried to make Turkish Coffee at home?
I followed the sage advise “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, but each time my attempts were “foam-challenged”. If, like me, you’re a Turkish Coffee aficionado, you’ll know that the key to enjoying this caffeine-burst, is the foam.
After a little research, I’ve discovered the Top 3 tips for making the perfect cup of Turkish Coffee:
Tip #1: One Size Doesn’t fit all.
There’s a reason that Turkish Coffee pots are sold in sets — it’s so you can ensure you’re using the right size coffee pot (called a Ibrik or Cezve in Turkey). So that the water in the pot is at the optimal level for making foam.
The Water needs to be somewhere close to the middle of your pot (or at least about 1/2 to1 inch below the rim).
Here’s a guide to the pot size and the number of cups you plan to make:
Size | Capacity | Cups it makes(*) |
Ibrik/Cezve Height |
6 oz
2.75 in
8 oz
3.00 in
10 oz
3.25 in
12 oz
3.50 in
14 oz
3.75 in
24 oz
4.00 in
(*) 2-3 oz small demitasse cups.
Tip #2: The Perfect Grind
When beans are ground for Turkish coffee – it’s a fine powder. This consistency will help it float on top of the water. When you add the coffee to the pot, let the water slowing introduce itself to the water.
It’s a first date between granule and liquid and they need to take things slowly. So avoid sudden moves, and don’t cause a stir – by stirring them up! Let the coffee wallow on top until it’s ready to take the plunge.
Tip #3: The Big Chill & Gently Does It
Use cold water and heat is slowly, and don’t boil it. Boiling’s for Nescafe! – Turkish Coffee needs to be coaxed, not scalded, into life.
Read these tips for adding sugar to your Turkish Coffee making process.
After following these 3 Tips – you’ll become a successful Turkish Coffee Barista, and you’re next cup of Turkish Coffee with be a success, and foam will no longer be a challenge.
Bonus Tip: Marvel at Success, but don’t fall at the last hurdle
With your Turkish Coffee relaxing in it’s cup – take a few moments to marvel at it’s beauty.
This allows time for the coffee grounds to settle on the bottom.
Resist the temptation to stir it up – not only with this make your coffee grainy – but it’ll also collapse the foam you worked so hard to create.
Follow this link to read Turkish Coffee World’s Step-by-Step instructions for making Turkish Coffee.
The feature photo is of my first successful cup of Turkish Coffee! Unfortunately, I got so excited that I drank it before I remembered to capture it for prosperity!
Very happy to see such informative articles about Turkish coffee. Thanks for your time.