A Photo Tour of Gümüşlük
The Gümüşlük waterfront area is a great to explore around, especially when it’s off season. Wander away from the main hub of restaurants, where the harbour and bay converge, to discover restaurants with a mellower vibe. Walk around the harbour circuit, past the Mosque, and look back for a different view of Rabbit Island. Or take the dirt path route through the car park behind the Dolmuş station, for a short cut to the Gümüşlük bay.
Photo Gallery
Below is a small sample of the photo’s from my walking exploration of Gümüşlük:
Click on the icon to visit my Gümüşlük Photo Gallery Page on Flickr.
Gumusluk is a gem, set with the ruins of ancient Mindos and has been mercifully saved from the encircling developments.
Jack Scott recently posted..Ghost Post
I truly hope that Gumusluk doesn’t lose it’s charm. Each village and town in the peninsula has it’s own vibe and personality, and they’re easy to reach by Dolmus. I hope they keep their individuality.
Roving Jay recently posted..Gümüşlük Photo Gallery Page
Gümüşlük waterfront area has alluring beauty. It is really a great place to explore with your family. The place was develop really good. Yeah! I believe in you that each village and town in the peninsula has it’s own vibe and personality. Excellent!
Ron recently posted..How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs
Ron – for such a small location, Gümüşlük packs a big punch. It’s the ideal location to head to, if you want to get away from the crush of Bodrum or Tugutreis.
Roving Jay recently posted..Gümüşlük Dolmuş Park & Timetable 2011